Sunday, August 10, 2008

Melissa and Dan

August 2, 2008 was a great day for us. We had the joy of celebrating my cousins wedding. She looked beautiful. There is nothing like spending the day in the shadow of the Salt Lake Temple. Melissa and her husband, Dan, have a rather interesting background. Melissa, graduated from Duke, (I couldn't tell you in what) served a mission in Barcelona Spain, came home and went to University of Maryland. Talk about a brainiac. Dan, is an interesting guy. All I know is that he works for the Secret Service, guarding Pres. Bush. He even had his gun on him at his wedding reception! My Aunt Stephanie took a picture of it. Anyway, the ceremony was short and sweet. We all felt the spirit very strongly as we sat in the sealing room in the temple. It was fun to see all my family, they all live out of state.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Hey, I was up at the Park City outlets over the weekend. There are some darn cute clothes with horses at Gymboree!!! I thought of cute Esti!