Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Princess Gisele is 1

My poor little baby! She did not have a very good Birthday. First of all her B-day was on Sunday..defineatly not my favorite day to have a B-day, even if she is 1.The day started out with a baby blessing that we attended at 10:00, which for her is right in the middle of nap time. She was a zombie by the time it was over. After her nap was over. I picked her up and I could feel that there was a significant amount of heat radiating from her head. I grabbed the thermoniter and low and behold she had a temp of 102.5. I have never had a child with that high of a temp. I ran her to instacare where she indefineatly had an ear infection.Even the doc. said "she's is very miserable". I took her home, called my family and told them the party that I had planned was cancelled.She moaned and groaned until she went to bed at 7:00,all through the night she woke up every 4 hours for some more tylenol. I feel like I am still making up for the lack of sleep that I have not acqured from last week. But the good news is, is she is feeling lots better.:) We had her party the following sunday and it was a blast.

1 comment:

Brammer Family said...

Uh, that stinks! That's no way to celebrate your 1st Birthday! :( We looked for you guys on her big day so Ben could wish her a happy birthday! :) I can't believe it's been a year.

Something is going around 'cause Ben had a high fever over the weekend and is now miserable with a cold.

No Fun! But I'm glad you were able to still celebrate later!

Happy 1st Birthday Gisele!!!